Sheriff Christopher Swanson
Address: 1002 S Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48502
Telephone: 810-257-3407
Website: http://www.gcsomichigan.com/
Sheriff Swanson is a career police officer with experience spanning nearly three decades. He has served in a variety of positions, including corrections, patrol, narcotics, criminal investigation, death investigation, human trafficking investigation, and command operations.
As Sheriff, Christopher oversees the 5th largest Sheriff’s Office in the State of Michigan. His career has led him to witness some of the most heinous crimes and acts of violence one can imagine. He shares these experiences to audiences across the country to make a positive impact on their lives using lessons from the living and the dead.
Sheriff Swanson attended Mott Community College and holds a Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in Public Administration, both from the University of Michigan.
In 2019 Sheriff Swanson was instrumental in the creation of the Genesee Human Oppression Strike Team (G.H.O.S.T.). In less than three years of work, G.H.O.S.T. has arrested more than 150 individuals on charges ranging from human trafficking to criminal sexual conduct. G.H.O.S.T. has received national attention for its efforts to combat human trafficking while also ensuring victims are given a voice.
On September 8, 2020, Sheriff Swanson turned another vision into reality with the creation of Inmate Growth Naturally and Intentionally Through Education (I.G.N.I.T.E.). Today, inmates in the Genesee County Jail go to school two hours a day, five days a week. I.G.N.I.T.E. has assisted more than 27 returning citizens find full-time employment upon release. In addition, more than 35,000 hours of coursework has been completed. Math skills have improved 1.5 grades and reading comprehension increased 2.5 grades. I.G.N.I.T.E. is committed to making better people, not better inmates. In September 2021 the I.G.N.I.T.E. modeled was instituted by the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Also in 2020, during a time of volatile protest across the Nation in response to the killing of George Floyd, Sheriff Swanson brought protesters and officers in Flint, Michigan together. Those actions led to a viral message of hope for the nation and world. “Sheriff Swanson showed the kind of leadership, courage, and integrity that makes exemplary law enforcement leaders,” stated the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum.
“They said march with us, so he did”, David Muir – Anchor ABC World News.