Sheriff Kim Cole
Address: 302 N Delia St. Ludington, MI 49431
Telephone: 231-843-3475
Website: http://www.masoncounty.net/departments/sheriff/
Mason County Sheriff Kim C. Cole is a 7th generation Mason County resident and great-great grandson to Sheriff Henry Cole who served as county sheriff from 1899-1903. Sheriff Cole graduated from Ludington High School in 1982 and West Shore Community College in December of 1984. At age 20, he was a member of the Mason County Sheriff’s Reserves and at just over 21 years of age, hired on as a Marine Patrol Deputy. Following the summer of 1985, Sheriff Cole was hired full-time as a Deputy Sheriff working various duties including Corrections, Dispatch, Road Patrol and Secondary Road Patrol. Sheriff Cole was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 1993, Undersheriff in December of 2012 and took the Oath of Office as Sheriff of Mason County on January 1, 2013.