Sheriff Ed Stern
Address: 111 S 2nd St. Roscommon, MI 48653
Telephone: 989-275-5101
Website: http://www.roscommoncounty.net/199/Sheriff
Sheriff Stern graduated from Plymouth Salem High School in 1991 and then moved to Roscommon County where he attended Kirtland Community College receiving a degree in Criminal Justice. Sheriff Stern was certified as a police officer in 1993 when he was employed as a marine patrol deputy with the Roscommon County Sheriff’s Office. In 1994, he began serving as a road patrol deputy and in 2003 became the sole canine handler for the Roscommon County Sheriff’s Office and also served as a Field Training Officer for new deputies at the Roscommon County Sheriff’s Office. He continued to serve in this capacity until 2008 when he was appointed Undersheriff to Sheriff Fran Staley. He subsequently then served as Undersheriff to Sheriff Randy Stevenson until 2015, when he was appointed Sheriff of Roscommon County following the retirement of Sheriff Stevenson.Since his appointment, Sheriff Stern completed the 109th National Sheriff’s Institute in Aurora, Colorado in 2016. He has focused many of his efforts on community outreach programs and finding new ways to serve the citizens of Roscommon County.
Sheriff Stern is a Board Member of the Northern Michigan Mutual Aid Consortium, a Board Member of Northern Michigan Law Enforcement Training Group, a Board Member of Roscommon County 911 Authority Board, a Member of Roscommon County Local Emergency Planning Team, a Member of Roscommon County Active Violent Incident Planning Team, a Member of Roscommon Safe School Initiative Planning Team, a Member of Roscommon County Collaborative Board, a Member of Three Lakes Communities that Care – Substance Abuse Prevention and Education Program, a Member of Roscommon County Marketing Group for Drug Abuse Education, and a Member of Kirtland Regional Police Academy/MCOLES Advisory Board.Sheriff Stern is a lead instructor for the Kirtland Regional Police Academy where he has been teaching new officers since 1996 in Firearms, Physical Training, Defensive Tactics/PPCT, Use of Force, Deployment of Chemical Irritants, Contact Weapons, and Taser.
Sheriff Stern has been married to his wife, Angie, for 20 years and they have two children, Gabriel and Reanna, who attend the Roscommon Area Public Schools. Sheriff Stern is a volunteer coach for Varsity Wrestling and Varsity Football, and a past coach of Youth Wrestling and Little League Baseball. Sheriff Stern is a volunteer for Kiwanis and is active locally with Special Olympics fundraisers, as well as many other local events and community projects.